Aunt Agga Issue #72
I have a very large painting of 4 large horses; I was told this means death? Should I remove...
Being Clever About Money
How do you make sure the money you earn does not disappear or get frittered away? How can you see your money grow steadily...
18 Ways to Fire Up Your Living Space
Auspicious placement of furniture and decorations will clear any blocked energy pathways and charge the positive nature of chi. The following will give you...
Aunt Agga Issue #71
I have a swimming pool in the backyard and it is in the South section of the compound. Is that...
Form, Function and Feng Shui Flow
In Form, we look at the association between the basic elementary shapes and how its mixture and composition can have an adverse symbolic representation...
Making Decisions Before You Renovate – Is A Larger House Always Better?
The city I would like to show you this issue is located in Florida and the name of city is Wellington. The city is...
Effectively Enhancing Spaces
To enhance the living space of your home, we incorporate feng shui principles and integrate these taking an aesthetic approach into the built environment....
Integrating The Five Elements Into Buildings
The basis of element feng shui is the productive and exhaustive relationship between the five elements of fire, wood, earth, water and metal. These...
Check Out Your Doorways
The main door to your house is the principle entry of chi entering your living space so it usually commands the attention of many...
Getting Dining Feng Shui Right
In feng shui, one of the most important rooms in the house - and thus one of the first addressed in any feng shui...