The Eight Auspicious Signs and Their Numbers
The number 8 can be very effectively invoked by displaying the powerful set of auspicious signs so popular with Tibetan Buddhists. Each of the...
Using Mental Imaging to Transform Your Luck
LILLIAN TOO on how you can access your inner spirituality for success...
Anyone can tap into the power of thought imagery to ensure success. To...
Colourful & Overflowing with Meaningful Images & Symbols
I live with a few thousand Buddha images… it is an indulgence and they are my way of bringing their blessing power into my...
Copycat Feng Shui Cures Can Be Dangerous
Feng shui is about energy and every physical object displayed in the home, be they remedies or enhancers, or just placed around for their...
Powerful Practice For Wealth – Water Ritual Of The White Dzambhala
There is a powerful Buddhist ritual that addresses the popular aspiration to get rich. The practice involves offering a light stream of water over...
Activating Your Seven Chakras
Stimulating your spinning wheels of light will bring viatlity to your inner chi.
CHAKRA is a Sanskrit word that means “wheel.” Those who can see...