Q Is it OK to have a single mattress on a double bed frame?
ANot such a great idea, especially if you are someone looking for romance. An empty “other half” side of the bed is a strong symbol of loneliness luck. This can cause you to have difficulties in securing a partner. If you are already in a relationship or married, having an empty side of the bed with no mattress can be very deadly to your relationship! Either your other half will stray, you will split up, or worse, something tragic could happen to one of you. Never sleep on a double bed frame with only a single mattress! It is really bad feng shui!
Q My self-element is Strong Water and my wealth element is Fire. May I know what type of jobs are suitable for me? Should I choose water element jobs in the financial sector, or should I choose to work in power generation (Fire element)?
AAccording to most Paht chee experts, the industries that bring good results for you are the ones that relate to your wealth element or the beneficial elements that can balance your chart. Beneficial elements are the elements that either make up for missing elements, tone down an over-strong self-element, or strengthen a weak self-element. In your case, if your self-element is strong Water, and you are also missing Metal (exhaustive) or Earth (destructive) elements in your chart, then you benefit from being in industries of Metal and Earth. But if you already have Earth and Metal in your chart, then the element that brings wealth is beneficial for you. So for you, Fire-element industries like marketing, advertising, restaurant business or power generation are good choices for you.
CAN I KEEP MY aloe vera plant?
QMy friend gave me an aloe vera plant, which has many health benefits. But I was told it isnot good feng shui to have this plant. How can I counter this?
AThe aloe vera plant is an amazing healing plant that can treat many different things. So there’s nothing wrong with keeping aloe vera plants… but the key is to plant them outdoors or inside a section of your house where you don’t spend too much time. The reason is because aloe vera plants grow long with sharp leaves, and they also have mini thorns. These can create little secret poison arrows that can harm you. So avoid having them in the living room, bedroom or dining rooms where you spend time. Place them outdoors or somewhere away from where you regularly spend time and it should be fine. Definitely do NOT place them in toilets. A plant with healing properties must NOT be allowed to soak up bad energy from the toilet!
QI have placed a mirror in my dining area to “double” the food on my dining table. But now I notice I can see my kitchen sink in the mirror when I’m eating. My kitchen sink is in the North sector of my house and I know that this drains away income and career luck, and I’m afraid that this mirror, has doubled the effect. Since placing the mirror I’ve experienced having an empty wallet very often! What should I do?
AYes, it would seem that the mirror has doubled your sink and hence doubled the effect of income loss. remove the mirror instantly. Mirrors are powerful magnifiers but you must be very careful about what is being reflected by the mirror as it can magnify both good and bad luck. I recommend you remove the mirror a.s.a.p. and install a water feature in the North of your living room. This will help reduce your income loss from having a kitchen sink in the North sector.
QI was recently given a painting of a leopard with its mouth open. I heard that placing such fierce animals with open mouths can cause feng shui problems, but is there any place I can hang it inside our home? I’m a Boar and my partner is a Rooster.
AYes, fierce animals with gaping mouths inside the house can create serious problems for you – especially since both of you are animal signs that leopards prey on! Do NOT hang this inside your home. However, a fierce leopard with gaping jaw makes a fabulous guardian for your home! Suggest you place it behind the house next to the entrance (outside). Your leopard then becomes a powerful guardian who will ensure that thieves and bad people do not enter your house from behind! It’s not a good idea to place it at the front of the house – too fierce! Better to keep Mr Leopard hidden away behind or near a side door.
QFor the last few days I have observed many birds flying into my balcony and doing their business there! And there are 2 birds that have been pecking on my bedroom windows loudly at 5.45am! What does this mean?
AVisits from birds always signify new opportunities and give a very clear sign that an amazing opportunity is being presented to you or is about to come your way! The fact that you have a pair of birds picking at your bedroom window each morning tells me that this opportunity has already presented itself to you, but you are taking too long to take advantage of it. Go for it! They’re telling you to make a decision now before things change and it’s too late! Whatever you’ve been planning to do, just do it. That’s what they’re telling you.
QMy daughter has Kua 3. But due to the configuration of her bedroom, she can only sleep with her head pointing North; but this direction shares a wall with the toilet. If she sleeps with her head pointing South, her head will be pointed towards a window! Both ways are not great – so what is your advice?
ABoth directions can be “remedied” to give a better result. If you wish for her to sleep facing North, then I advise you to build another wall in front of the bathroom wall (leave a small gap between new and existing wall) and then place the bed against the wall. This will completely nullify the “sharing with toilet” scenario. If you can’t do this, then have her sleep facing South – but use very heavy curtains to cover the window. Roman blinds (where the drapes are in one piece) are better than two curtains that meet in the middle. Keep the curtains drawn completely shut whenever she is using the bed.