Owning a home with ample land away from the city is always a delightful way to live… Imagine waking up to birds chirping sweetly by your window away from the blaring city bustle, and hosting weekend BBQ getaways amidst your beautifully landscaped gardens, planted with abundant fruit trees and luscious flowers! Thus home and land packages have become a popular way of marketing real-estate of new subdivisions in the suburban outskirts, but what’s more, buying your land and home this way gives you a golden opportunity to design the perfect feng shui oasis you call home!
When selecting a piece of land to buy, always start by choosing your plot with sound feng shui principles in mind. Remember that chi flows from the outside into your home and thus what’s outside your home is as important as what’s inside it. Here are some of the key things to remember when selecting a piece of land that attracts abundance and prosperity.
As the first step, it is always important to survey the surroundings of your land carefully, taking note of waterways, lakes and mountain ranges surrounding your land. As a general rule, your land should allow your home to be positioned in a way where mountainous hillocks appear behind your home and waterways appear in front of your home. Having mountains behind your home form your auspicious Black Tortoise, bringing you support in everything that you do – for your career, your business and relationships. Thus homes that are well-supported by mountains always benefit its occupants by attracting opportunities to increase their power, rank and status. You must also take note of any yin locations that could ruin your good feng shui, and avoid buying plots of land that are near them! These are locations that generate too much yin energy – places like such as dumpsters, landfills, sewer ponds, cemeteries and hospitals.
When it comes to good feng shui, it is always more auspicious to live on a plot of land that is regular-shaped, like a square or rectangle. Trapezium-shaped land is also acceptable, and if the choices of land you have are trapezium, try to select one where the “mouth” of the land is smaller than the pouch behind. Land with this formation brings the favourable aspect of wealth accumulation luck! It is said that land with a small mouth and big pouch can accumulate wealth, while land with a small pouch and big mouth will cause your expenses to become so large that you find it difficult to accumulate assets in the long term.Still, a trapezium-shaped piece of land is better than a land shaped as a triangle! When your land is triangular in shape, it symbolises the element of Fire, not advisable as the base on which your house is built! But more importantly, a triangular piece of land creates “missing corners” which denote missing luck! Under the Eight Aspirations formula of feng shui, your luck is complete when you can demarcate your land into nine equal sectors of luck around the compass.

The Chinese believe that luck should extend for at least three generations, or better still, five generations! Hence old Chinese houses are built with many compartments of depth, symbolising luck that runs long and deep! Your land should also mimic this philosophy and be as long and deep as possible, as opposed to being shallow and wide. Shallow and wide pieces of land suggest luck that is not long-lasting, luck that fizzles out quickly. A long and deep piece of land also allows you to position your home in a way that creates an auspicious “bright hall” effect, letting good vibrant chi collect and settle in front of your house.
Land that has been carved out of hills and undulating meadows tend to come with varying gradients. A gentle slope can help chi to flow and meander but steep slopes are generally bad news. Refrain from the temptation to buy a piece of land where the back of the land slopes downwards, as this always denotes missed opportunities. When the back of the house falls away, it symbolises that the Black Tortoise is missing… you will find it difficult to gain support for anything you try to achieve, and obstacles will prevent you from elevating your status. Slopes can be beneficial if the left side of your home is slightly higher than your right… especially if your home can be positioned to face a cardinal direction such as North, South, East or West. When in doubt, opt for a flat piece of land as this the safest choice, as a flat piece of land gives you maximum flexibility to activate landscape feng shui through the clever positioning of trees and plants.

Finally, once you have secured a good piece of land, you can have loads of fun designing your new home! On the right are illustrations of all the various placements of homes that connote different meanings. The key is to strive for balance, to have a little bit of space all around the home to symbolise the celestial guardians of your land. It is always more auspicious to have slightly more space in front of the house than at the back, but you should never build your house so far to the back that you are “beckoned to the back” (house A)!Houses with this position tend to attract situations in life where they have “no way out”, always pushed all the way back. The reverse of this position (House B) is also not auspicious, as this places the House too far to the front. Placed this way the house does not benefit from having a Bright Hall, a place where chi can collect, settle and enter the home. Placement B results in fewer choices in life, fewer opportunities and good fortune is slower to come by than others.Positions C and D are very common in many Hollywood mansions that try to keep the left and right side open to place their tennis courts, swimming pools and mini golf courses! It is acceptable to place your home a little closer to the left or right, but try not to build your home so close to the boundaries that you create a situation where either your Green Dragon or White Tiger becomes overpowered by the other. Position C shows a situation where the Tiger (on the right side of your house) has been given too much symbolic space, giving it too much power over the Dragon. The White Tiger is important to have, but it must not be given too much power and when the White Tiger overpowers the Green Dragon, it can result in either spouse leaving the family unit. Similarly, Position D places the house so far to the right side (inside looking out) that the White Tiger has no power. The best position is when the House is placed in a way where the front of the house is given slightly more space than the back, and the Dragon side is given a little more room than the Tiger side of the home.