Learning To Be Your Own Fortune Teller: Lillian Too Revitalises Her...
It has been said that “To know one’s future is a gift from the Gods”. Chinese metaphysics offers everyone and anyone a...
Lillian Too’s Master Practitioners Course: Excellence In Feng Shui Education
Lillian Too’s MASTER PRACTITIONERS COURSE IN FENG SHUI, referred to by those in the feng shui world as the “MPC”, is the definitive course...
LILLIAN TOO’S EXTRAVAGANZA 2020 Kuala Lumpur: Finding HIDDEN WEALTH in the...
If there’s one event to save a Sunday for, it would surely be Lillian Too’s Feng Shui Extravaganza! This event is one that Lillian...
Meet The Many Faces of MPC – Participants from 20 Countries...
The most fun and exciting moments of my job come around about two to three times a year, when we host students who enrol...
One Day Goddess Tara Retreat With Lillian Too
Goddess Tara is the Swift Liberator who quickly answer all your prayers and wishes immediately. Practicing her Meditations and Sadhanas brings incredible benefits, and...
How Lillian’s Feng Shui Books Changed My Life
About twice a year, Lillian Too holds her Master Practitioner Course in feng shui, which attracts readers and feng shui enthusiasts from all around...