RAT – Opportunities Galore!
1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020
Money luck soars with the 9 Star landing in your sector. Windfalls are possible and you have a good chance of generating more income. There are opportunities for career advancement and business growth; for some, perhaps more than you can handle! Be clear about what you want to achieve, then go after goals that give you the most mileage. Display the 9 Phoenix Plaque in the North of your home and wear the Gold 9 Eyed Dzi for positive outcomes in everything you pursue. To make the right moves at the right time, place the Sky Rat on your work desk.
OX – Treachery; Watch Your Back
1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021
While the Ox continues to enjoy all kinds of cosmic goodies, there are indications of betrayals. You may get cheated by someone you trust, and experience money loss or heartache. Place the Wealth Lock Coin by your bedside and carry the Elephant & Rhinoceros with Ksitigarbha Staff Amulet. There is increased risk of getting robbed; place the Anti-Burglary Plaque with Door Guardians in the NE to remedy. For married Ox, the energies could cause trust issues to surface between you and your spouse. Having the Happy Marriage Comb in the SW will safeguard your love bonds.
TIGER – Shield Against Money Loss
1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010
The Loss Star brings unexpected expenses and possibility of betrayals. There is also danger of petty theft, break-ins and office politics. Keep a low profile this month. Don’t draw too much attention to yourself. Place the Dragon Tortoise Totem with Rhino & Elephant in the NE to preserve your wealth. Carry the Anti-Jealousy Gold Talisman Card in your wallet or wear the Botswana Agate Beads with Evil Eye Bracelet to control hidden enemies. Single Tigers should avoid starting a new relationship, while those attached must be wary of infidelity. Wear the Rose Quartz Four Leaf Clover Pendant to protect your relationships.
RABBIT – Know Your Limits
1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011
This is a slow-moving month for the Rabbit. The Illness Star drains your energy levels, making you tired and prone to health issues. You also become more vulnerable to spiritual disturbances. Don’t pack your schedule with too many commitments and avoid funerals and hospital visits for now. Wear the Gold Medicine Buddha Pendant or the Medicine Buddha & Vairocana Mantra Ring, and place the Longevity Carpet by your bedside to ramp up health vibes. Carry the Dorje Drolo Scorpion Amulet to ward off mischievous spirits. Luckily, love luck is positive. If you want to induce romance in your life, you can wear the Orange Agate Slice Necklace.
DRAGON – Conflict Chi Needs Remedying
1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012
This month, it is the Dragon’s turn to battle conflict chi. These aggravating energies put you on edge and make you more emotional, which can result in misunderstandings and arguments. Don’t let your emotions get the better of you. You could end up hurting close friends and allies and harming your own reputation. Display the 3 Harmony Animals in the SE and carry the amulet version to temper the negative chi. Wear the OM Floral Popularity Shawl at work for a more pleasant time with bosses and colleagues. If married, display the Marriage Lock by your bedside.
SNAKE – Maintain Your Composure
1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013
The visiting Quarrelsome Star makes it a challenging month for the Snake. You become more argumentative, which can strain your relationships and trigger lawsuits. Try to be diplomatic. Avoid making a big deal out of small things; doing so will only put you on the losing end. Maintain your composure and bide your time. These vicious energies will pass soon enough. Minimise the impact of the 3 Star with the Red Prosperity Elephant in the SE and carry the Peace & Harmony Amulet. Place the “Flowers & Apples” Ru Yi on your desk to strengthen your influence and your alliances at work.
HORSE – Good Fortune Prevails
1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014
The Horse hosts the Wealth Star, indicating a good time to seek out new opportunities to grow financially. There may be windfalls and improvements in cash flow. Relationships will be smooth and networking efforts worthwhile. Take advantage of this lucky month by displaying the Ngan Chee Happy Buddha in the South and carrying the Big Money Bull Amulet. Boost windfall luck with the “Tai Kat Tai Ley” Windfall Amulet, and business luck with the Metal Element Bracelet. The single Horse enjoys enhanced romance vibes. If looking to attract someone of soulmate potential, carry the Love Amulet with Moon Rabbit.
SHEEP – All Systems Go!
1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015
The Sheep’s energy levels improve under the influence of the Victory Star. You can handle more work and are more resilient to mental stress. You enjoy the luck of new beginnings and long-lasting prosperity, and make a formidable opponent in competition. If you are ready for change, there is no better time than now to step up your game! Activate with the Rooster with Dragon Tortoise in the SW, and carry the Sum-of-Ten and Windhorse Success Amulets. Those preparing for exams can easily get into the zone for learning. Boost study luck by carrying the Wisdom Pagoda with Scholastic Talisman.
MONKEY – Winning Big!
1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016
A highly satisfying month for the Monkey. Prosperity luck holds strong and the Victory Star ushers in auspicious vibrations that bring recognition, leadership, success and support. The stars in your chart also indicate an easy time getting things done. Aim for the sky because the higher your goals, the bigger the rewards! Harness your good fortune by displaying the Key For Success & Victory in the SW, wearing the Gold Victory Banner Pendant and carrying the Sum-of-Ten Amulet. You can boost promotion luck with the Dragon Tortoise Ruyi on your work desk. To energise speculative luck, carry the “Winning Cards” Windfall Amulet.
ROOSTER – Support from the Heavens
1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017
Things are looking brighter for the Rooster. The Heaven Star brings divine assistance and helpful people into your life. This enhances your work and business prospects significantly, so don’t let this lucky period go to waste! Carry the Windfall Luck Amulet to attract big bonanzas, and the Jade Emperor Amulet to gain support from those who matter. Young Roosters enjoy strong mentor luck. If you have big decisions to make, you benefit from the advice of someone knowledgeable on the matter. Carry the Nobleman Gui Ren Talisman to direct such a person your way.
DOG – Aim for a Quiet Month
1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018
Stress levels rise as you have the Five Yellow disrupting many areas of your life, but don’t act recklessly. This is no time to throw caution to the wind, as one unlucky incident can quickly snowball into a huge disaster. Place the White Umbrella Goddess Pagoda in the NW and carry the amulet version to subdue this harmful star. Wear the Blue Hues Sacred Protection Scarf. Avoid starting anything new now. Scale back on socialising and give risky investments a pass. Conserve your energy and resources for next month when your luck improves.
BOAR – Slow down the Pace
1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019
The Boar is advised to slow down the pace. The Five Yellow brings obstacles and mishaps, so the less you have going on this month, the better. Put big plans on hold; and safety must become a priority. Mitigate the energies of the 5 Star by displaying the White Umbrella Goddess Pagoda in the NW and carrying the amulet version. But good news is you are surrounded by good friends and allies. If you ever need a helping hand, just ask. Carry the Tiger & Boar Secret Friend Amulet to ensure strong support at all times.