Prosperity Programming: 22 Ways to Think, Act & Live (Part 2)
Programming for prosperity must incorporate never sweating the small stuff. Acting rich means never being petty, always being big-hearted, having...
Prosperity Programming: 22 Ways to Think, Act & Live (Part 1)
Yes you know it! Everything starts with the mind. Think rich to get started on the road to success and...
Nine indications of WEALTH on your FACE
The belief that faces can be lucky and unlucky is something as old as the hills. Our grandmothers subscribed to it and in the...
The Four Great “Wealths” of North, South, East & West
In the third dimension of feng shui, we deal with the spiritual energy of cosmic realms that exist alongside our material world, and these...
The Feng Shui Of Money
Is there such a thing as the Money of a country affecting its wealth feng shui?
Is there any relationship between how a country’s paper...
Powerful Practice For Wealth – Water Ritual Of The White Dzambhala
There is a powerful Buddhist ritual that addresses the popular aspiration to get rich. The practice involves offering a light stream of water over...
Being Clever About Money
How do you make sure the money you earn does not disappear or get frittered away? How can you see your money grow steadily...
18 Omens of Good Fortune
Belief in lucky and unlucky omens has always been a universal part of our psyche. Like it or not, many of us believe in...
Wealth Gods
The concept of Wealth Gods is very Asian. China and India have multiple Wealth Gods, some of whom are worshipped as benevolent deities especially...
Magnificent horses bring the chi of wealth, courage & power
Of the twelve animals of the Chinese Zodiac, the horse stands out for the many attributes it symbolizes. For centuries, the horse has been...