
Why the Number 9 Is the Most Supreme of All Numbers?

The Master Number 9 is an important number signifying wholeness and completion exactly as Lillian has taught, and while attending the recent MPC in feng shui in Malaysia, I also discovered that all the...

Copycat Feng Shui Cures Can Be Dangerous

Feng shui is about energy and every physical object displayed in the home, be they remedies or enhancers, or just placed around for their aesthetics and beauty, MUST give out loving energy; they should...

Powerful Practice For Wealth – Water Ritual Of The White Dzambhala

There is a powerful Buddhist ritual that addresses the popular aspiration to get rich. The practice involves offering a light stream of water over the head of the Dzambhala symbolized by its image. The...
Activating Your Seven Chakras

Activating Your Seven Chakras

Stimulating your spinning wheels of light will bring viatlity to your inner chi. CHAKRA is a Sanskrit word that means “wheel.” Those who can see them describe chakras as spinning wheels of light that glow...

Hidden Meanings of Body Moles

The Chinese believe moles can be lucky or unlucky depending on where they are located, what colour they are, and how large they appear in proportion to our body. A mole can be a...

Moles and What They Say About You

The Chinese Almanac, also known as the Tung Shu, is commonly known as a book of auspicious and inauspicious dates, but there is so much more to the Tung Shu than that. It is...
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