RAT – Don’t Take Your Health for Granted
1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020
The Rat has a magnified Illness Star in its home sector. You tire more easily and could find it hard to stay focused. Get enough rest, avoid making too many plans and steer clear of crowded spaces. Luckily, you enjoy improvement in relationship luck, indicating good support and help when you need it. Subdue illness energies by placing an Abundance Wu Lou by your bedside, and carry the Health Talisman Holder to protect against the 2 star’s magnified chi. Activate friendship and ally luck with the Rat & Ox Secret Friend Talisman. To ensure good outcomes for everything you do, wear the Sky Unicorn Charm Bracelet.
OX – Powerful completion luck
1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021
The Ox’s energies are running high, putting you in pole position in the month ahead. Your reputation soars, new opportunities abound, and you have powerful completion luck moving things along for you. Activate the lucky energies of the month with the Money Frog on Lilypad in the NE. Those in business benefit from the Cash Flow Camel in Royal Blue. Those pursuing career success should get the Period 9 Windhorse Amulet. To fast-track results, and to ensure everything turns out the way you want, wear the 9 Eyed Dzi & Anti-Evil Eye Beaded Necklace.
TIGER – A Positive Month
1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010
Things are looking good. Your energy levels get a turbo charge, helping you complete tasks efficiently and ahead of schedule. This gives you more time to spend developing new strategies or pursuing personal interests. Display the Lucky 9 Enhancer in the NE and wear the Power 9 Jade Hoop Earrings to harness your good fortune. Use the Windhorse Abundance Pillbox for success and victory luck. Your annual Loss Star does get temporarily stronger though. This threatens to spoil things for you and expose you to greater danger. In addition to annual cures, wear the Red Protection Paisley Shawl to reinforce protection. Having the Sky Wolf in your living space shields against duplicity and safeguards your wealth as well.
RABBIT – Getting Along with Everyone
1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011
The Rabbit can look forward to a less stressful month. The Peach Blossom Star brings feelgood energies into all your interactions; others are more open to your ideas and more willing to lend you a helping hand. A good time to network and to forge new alliances. Wear the Mantra Ring of Influence to activate for personal charisma and to get others onto your side. The Rabbit also enjoys romance luck. If looking to meet a good match, place a pair of Bejewelled Mandarin Ducks in the East or SW. Young Rabbits enjoy study luck and shine at school this month. Activate for success in your studies with the Manjushri Plaque placed on your desk.
DRAGON – Stay Low-Key
1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012
For the Dragon, it is best to aim for a low-key month. The arrival of the Misfortune Star brings obstacles at work, unexpected expenses and relationship problems. Ensure you stay protected with a White Umbrella Goddess Pagoda in the SE and carry the White Umbrella Goddess Pagoda Amulet. Preserve your wealth with the Traditional Wealth Lock Coin and safeguard your relationships with the Padlocks of Love & Harmony. Wear gold and silver jewellery. Single Dragons shouldn’t try too hard when it comes to dating. Avoid starting new relationships, as there is high chance it could cause more problems than you need.
SNAKE – Double Check Everything
1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013
The Snake comes under the influence of the Five Yellow, which can bring a lot of trouble. You could lose money, fall sick and meet up with all kinds of problems in your relationships. This month it is best to keep a low profile. Avoid taking risks this month, and definitely no speculating or gambling. Double check everything! Place the White Umbrella Goddess Pagoda in the SE and keeping the amulet version close. The negative energies of the month can also create havoc in your love life; carry the Padlocks of Love and Harmony to keep your love connections strong. Wear the Prayer Wheel Pendant for Health and invite in the Magic Macaw to protect against loss of wealth, and to improve cash flow.
HORSE – Advance Confidently
1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014
The monthly energies conspire to sway many things in your favour. Your energy returns and career luck gets a boost. You could find yourself in in line for monetary rewards and career advancement. Those in competitive pursuits find pulling ahead of the competition no sweat at all, so give things your best shot! Make the most of your fortunes by carrying the Prosperity Flag with Dragon Amulet. Place the Rooster with Dragon Tortoise on your desk. You can transform your winning luck into wealth luck with the Water Wave Amulet. Those of you in school benefit immensely as well. Boost study and exam luck with the Scholar with Eagle Mini Plaque in the South, or on your desk.
SHEEP – Confrontational
1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015
The Quarrelsome Star brings conflict energies to the Sheep. Don’t let yourself get worked up. Take things easy and go with the flow. Petty gossip may cause some distress and people may find fault with you more often; be patient. Learn to take criticism in your stride. Spend the month working more on solo projects if possible; the negative vibes subside by month end. Carry the 3 Harmony Animals Amulet and place the 9 Dragons Red Carpet in the SW to make sure the 3 star cannot cause you any serious harm. The married Sheep should keep the Double Happiness Vase with Lillies by your bedside to protect your marriage against unwanted outside interference.
MONKEY – Calm Conflict Chi
1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016
While the month ahead holds many positive indications, it can also be an aggravating one. You have the Quarrelsome Star messing with your emotions and attracting all kinds of hostilities. Small things grate on your nerves, and you could unintentionally rub others the wrong way. Watch your words and actions. Make an effort to control your temper or you could offend the wrong person. Wear the OM Floral Popularity Shawl to calm conflict chi and place the 3 Harmony Animals in the SW. If married, place the “Pink Lilies” Bucket of Good Fortune in the SW to protect against infidelities. Singles should put more focus on their careers than on dating for now.
ROOSTER – Many Happy Surprises
1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017
The Rooster enjoys wealth luck this month. Windfalls and new opportunities arrive; relationships strengthen. If there was a time to be more daring in your investments, this would be it! Those in business do well. Projects started now enjoy good success potential. Place the Azure Dragon with Waves or Dragon in Forest of Wealth in the West and use the Red Phoenix Wallet to activate for new opportunities. For windfalls, carry the “Tai Kat Tai Ley” Enhancer. It is also a lucky month for love. To meet someone you can have a long-term future with, carry the Horse Peach Blossom Amulet.
DOG – Safety First
1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018
The Loss Star casts inauspicious energies of money loss, robberies and betrayal. Best to scale back on activities and be careful when it comes to your finances. Not a good time to start new projects or sign legal documents. Big decisions should be put on hold till next month when your luck improves. Mitigate the vicious energies of the 7 star by wearing the Elephant & Rhinoceros Anti-Burglary Charms Bracelet. Display the Door Guardians with Ksitigarbha Staff Plaque in the NW. Get the Sky Raven and place on your desk to boost wealth luck, and to ensure all the decisions you make are good ones.
BOAR – Keep Your Guard Up
1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019
Energies of betrayal and loss afflict the Boar’s sector this month. You could thus find competition heating up at work, with rivals using sometimes underhanded tactics. There is also danger of getting cheated or scammed. Diffuse the harmful energies by carrying the Elephant & Rhinoceros with Ksitigarbha Staff Amulet. Be careful when out too late at night, and don’t get yourself entangled in conflicts as things could turn out dangerous. Wear the Namgyalma Scarf for cosmic protection. Safeguard against office politics by carrying the Rooster Coin Purse. Protect against getting betrayed by carrying the 9 Dragon Kuan Kung Talisman.