In today’s case study, I want to share a potent little feng shui tip on how the use of mirrors can magically make undesirable spaces like a bathroom or kitchen simply disappear! Here’s a true story of how this couple used a mirror solution and got very good results very quickly!
Elena (one of our MPC Students from Portugal) and her fiancé Antony both live in a two-bedroom apartment in the heart of the city. The two had been dating for four years and Antony finally proposed and they got engaged! To save up for the wedding, Antony gave up his bachelor pad to move in with Elena.
But within a month of moving in, things started to go very badly for Antony. First, Antony lost his job due to a major company downsizing. Despite his impressive experience and glowing references from previous managers, he was not successful in any of the job interviews he attended.
Shortly after losing his job, Antony met with a motor accident that caused substantial damage to his car. Antony sustained leg injuries that required him to use a crutch while his leg healed in a cast. With mobility issues, Antony was unable to get around or interview for jobs. Being unemployed and without an income, he could not get his car repaired and their wedding plans got put on hold. With Antony being jobless, the couple began to fight about money, and shortly before Elena came to Malaysia for the MPC, Antony moved out of her apartment for a “trial separation”!
By the time Elena had finished telling me her story, she had broken down in sobs. After learning about the Pa Kua formula, she realized instantly what the problem was. Her apartment had a kitchen in the Northwest and this was causing serious problems for Antony!

The NW is the sector of the Patriarch, and when a kitchen is located in this sector, it creates a situation of danger known as “Fire at Heaven’s Gate”. Antony’s luck as the Patriarch was being destroyed by the fire! Not only this, Antony was born in the year of the Dog, and the NW corner was also his zodiac sector. So the kitchen here wasn’t only weakening his Patriarch luck, it was weakening all aspects of his personal luck as well!
When she showed me her floor plan, I told her not to worry. Because her kitchen was small and contained, it was really easy to conceal. Here’s what I advised her to do:
1 Install a large sliding door made with floor-to-ceiling mirrors right in front of the kitchenette (see plan). I asked her to keep the mirror as one large panel, rather than several small panels. In doing so, she would be able to slide the mirrored-door over to cover her kitchenette entirely. This was an excellent solution, because the mirrored sliding door not only had the benefit of “hiding” the kitchenette, it also created the effect of “doubling” the space of the dining area, which is very auspicious and brings abundance! I advised her to keep the sliding door shut as often as possible, and only to unslide the door when using her kitchenette!
2 The next thing to do was to activate Antony’s luck. This was easily done by hanging windchimes in the NW corner of the apartment to activate the luck of the Patriarch and to strengthen the luck of the Dog!
3 Then I advised her to hang a large photo of herself with Antony (looking happy) in a prominent part of living room and to use a red-coloured frame. This will bring them closer together.
Elena did exactly as I advised. As soon as she returned home, she had a sliding door with mirrors installed. She hung three windchimes in the NW corner and ensured that her sliding door was drawn to cover her kitchenette at most times of the day.
A month later, Elena wrote back to inform me of the good news! As soon as her little renovation was completed, Antony moved back into her apartment and even found a new job! His new role not only paid him a better salary, it provided him with a company car while he saved up enough money to repair his car!
This is just one example of how large mirrors can alter a space dramatically. You can also use the same mirror concept to make a bathroom disappear, or to “double” a space to make up for a missing corner. But do be careful, as this should be done so that the mirror does not reflect the main door or the balcony door. Mirrors should also not be installed inside bedrooms, as this can cause relationships or marriages to break down due to third party interferences.