Facebook is the world’s most popular online social media and social networking website. With over 2 billion active users as of June 2017, Facebook has become the leading venue for online advertising and promotions. Its vast audience all over the world combined with ‘FBLearner Flow’ – an Artificial Intelligent software capable of delivering the most relevant content to each person based on their individual preferences – provides loyalty prediction capabilities to advertisers. This brought Facebook 40 Billion USD in advertising revenue in 2017 alone, making it the world’s largest and most profitable advertising company.
Since its launch on February 4th 2004, Facebook has grown dramatically. The number is 260% growth in users from 2008 to 2009 alone. An amazing feat for a website created by a 20 year old kid from the Harvard Business School – at that time, Marc Zuckerberg was an unknown. Today, everyone knows who he is, especially in recent months when he has become quite the digital social media “villain”.
By the time Mark Zuckerberg reached 21, he had become a millionaire. That was when Accel Partners invested 12.7 million in his company – quite extraordinary at that time. And when we investigate his Paht Chee, it does not reveal at first glance the awesome fortune he was to amass within a few short years.

Marc Zuckerberg was born on 14th May 1984 at 2.39pm.
He has a very good chart indeed, with all five elements present, and with the second half of his chart featuring the EARTH element. In his Paht Chee, EARTH stands for friends! And in the DAY and HOUR Pillars, the chart refers to his generation and a generation younger. Note that ALL THE ELEMENTS in both these pillars are EARTH, and this is an early indication of FACEBOOK already in his chart! The four appearances of Earth comprise three heavenly stems and one Earth element SHEEP in the HOUR pillar; these are the direct EARTH elements. When we investigate further, we find that he actually has a total of 7 units of Earth – as the 4 in his main chart also produce 3 hidden Earth.
Note once again that EARTH represents friends and networking luck, which suggests that he is sure to enjoy great fame due to his popularity with FRIENDS!
Note that his self element is strong Yang Earth and being born in the season of summer, it becomes extremely strong. This allows him to actualize all the opportunities that come into his life, BUT it is at the cost of creating a great many hidden enemies, a great deal of jealousy and the possibility of big danger caused by this.
Fortunately for him, and just like US President Donald Trump, who is very strong Yin Earth, Mark Zuckerberg also has the extremely lucky Fortune Noble Star. This brings incredible wealth, great power and plenty of fame, but it also attracts jealousy and a great many hidden foes.
Mark Zuckerberg has the extremely lucky Fortune Noble Star. This brings incredible wealth, great power and plenty of fame, but it also attracts jealousy and a great many hidden foes.
Mark Zuckerberg’s lucky elements are Water, Metal and Wood. His unlucky elements are Fire and Earth. Here I have prepared a year-by-year chart analysis to portray his year-by-year luck since the age of 20 years.
When we identify the elements and animals of the period of his life since 2004, you can see that his luck has been very strong since then, with the biggest growth starting in 2008 as the Rat brings him big success and money. However, problems have been slowly brewing since 2014 among his supporters; it was not noticed by him because he was distracted in 2016 when he introduced the AI – FBLearner Flow. Then in the following year, the Rooster created the Tai Sui clash with his Rat. We began seeing complains about the proliferation of fake news leading up to the Presidential election.
By the time 2018 arrived, the Cambridge Analytica scandal erupted. This affected his friendship with Tim Cook, CEO of Apple and he has been hauled up to explain in the US CONGRESS. This scandal that Facebook has shared private data with third parties is serious and has many Facebook users worried.
Meanwhile, the complaints about fake news postings on Facebook become more serious and it escalates. This is made worse when there are also complaints about the proliferation of terrorist ideology posts as well as complaints about the rise of pornography and other undesirable kinds of postings, which bring increasing problems to Facebook.
There have been many calls from investor groups for Mark Zuckerberg to step down from Facebook. There have also been accusations of Facebook meddling in other countries’ electoral processes. All his troubles prompts the question, from a Paht Chee perspective – what is the future of Facebook in the upcoming years?
We can confirm that 2018 is very unlucky for both the company and for Mark Zuckerberg. The month of March especially brought him the 5/9 annual/month Lo Shu combination. Happily for him, the month of April brings some respite as the #8 lucky star arrives, bringing some help. But as the #8 star is also an Earth star, it further strengthens his Yang Earth and this increases the anger of his enemies.

An additional problem was brought about when Judge Donato ruled that Facebook has no right to collect biometric information about its users in the form of another feature aspect of his AI FBLearner Flow software – the ability to recognize and suggest the tagging of photographs uploaded by its users, thus breaching privacy laws. This could lead to a serious clash action lawsuit leading to damages of billions of dollars.
We are reading on a month-to-month basis as events seem to be moving very quickly in this digital age. Things should get clearer when July comes, as the monthly Lo Shu then is #2 and this brings the element of Earth in the month of the Horse, which is Fire and clashes with his Rat!
The biggest worry for him is the fact that his chart possess the Toxic Star indicated by his Rat. This could mean that if he were to make wrong public statements between now and July, it would create serious repercussions that could result in him stepping down from Facebook. But the popular website is likely to keep going!