When you take a sunshine bath to replenish your yang essence, do choose a day when the weather is clear and bright. It is not good to do it on a day when it is raining or drizzling, snowing or dreary.
In general, it is good to do this ritual during the time of the Dragon, when you can tap into sunrise energy between 7am and 9am. However, you can also choose a time that harmonizes with your own Chinese Zodiac sign.
Time | Animal Signs | Sun Light |
Time: 7am to 9am | Animal Signs: Dragon, Monkey, & Rat | Sun Light: Sun rising |
Time: 9am to 11am | Animal Signs: Snake, Rooster & Ox | Sun Light: Sun shines a little brighter |
Time: 11am to 1pm | Animal Signs: Horse, Dog & Tiger | Sun Light: Sun has traveled higher up the horizon |
Time: 1pm to 3pm | Animal Signs: Sheep, Boar & Rabbit | Sun Light: Sun has traveled even higher up in the sky |
How to take a Sunbath:
- Stand for about 3 minutes in your garden or on your balcony, simply soaking up the sunlight.
- Keep your facial expressions relaxed but be alert to your surroundings. This is an excellent time to tune in to signals from nature. Keep your eyes open.
- Read the signs. For example, if you see a bird singing, it is an excellent indication that some new opportunity or good news is winging its way to you.