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Monthly Archives: May 2022

Feng Shui Astrology for June 2022

RAT – Quarrelsome 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020 Quarrelsome energies afflict the Rat, as the #3 star takes up residence in your sector. This...

Good & Bad Days to Cut Hair for June 2022

There is a little-known and rare sutra which reveals the consequences of cutting your hair on the wrong days – and the extraordinary benefits...

Significant Spiritual Days for June 2022

This comprehensive spiritual calendar marks all the significant and powerful days to chant mantras, perform pujas and conduct powerful rituals that will increase your...

Design and Feng Shui: The Space Dimension

One of the key elements in feng shui is the understanding of the concept of space. Through the use of formulas, directions and charts,...

Flying Stars in June 2022: Afflicted Stars in the Center – Need Remedies

LOSS & BETRAYAL STAR #7 dominates EAST-WEST axis afflicted Secondary sectors of SE, SW, NE, NW are luckiest North brings misunderstandings, fighting. A...

Clearing Out the Clutter

So much of feng shui is making the effort to clear old energy to create the vacuum that instantly sucks in the new. Lillian...

Visualization & Imagination: 5 New Ways to Experience Your Home

When designing your home, you may ask yourself this same question over and over again… what are we trying to achieve? One of the...